
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

An Essay on Me, Steve & Marriage

Being married has its perks.

Most of you know me pretty well. and you know i'm a weirdo. Seriously, a WEIRDO.

And honestly, Steve handles it so well. I love being able to act, sing or dance anyway that I want. I can do whatever my brain thinks is funny in that moment and Steve will smile. A lot of times it's making up songs about the little things I'm doing. Like right now, it would go something like this "I'm writing a blog, yeah. It's gonna be cool, yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah." (obviously with crazy runs during the yeahs to show off my vocal talent). Other times I will burst out into real song (not written by me) and inevitably screw up the words. It's actually one of the longest running jokes Steve and I have. I always forget the words to songs. And instead of pausing and reflecting on which words go where... I just make up words that I think would work well in the song. NOTE: They NEVER go well together.

I'm one of those people who cracks themselves up. I really think I'm hilarious. I don't think everything I say should elicit exclamations of approval from everyone around me. I don't even think other people should find me funny. I have had my share of blank stares and awkward silences (given, I only realized them after I was finished laughing at my own joke). But, for me, I'm pretty good at making myself laugh. Luckily, Steve thinks I'm funny and I think Steve is even funnier than me. And Steve thinks it's funny that I find myself so funny. We make each other laugh constantly and it's something I wouldn't give up for the world.

Steve is so encouraging. He looks at me with this gaze that makes me want to conquer mountains and learn archery and milk my own cow! I'll be doing something stupid to get his attention and he'll just look at me with those blue eyes and I promptly become a puddle. I have made up so many weird dances, songs, phrases, etc to get a glimpse of that gaze.

But don't you worry, all of you faithful readers. Steve knew what he was getting himself into. I decided early on in our courtship that I wasn't hiding nuttin. Seriously, the first time we texted I was so amped on red bull that I thought for sure this guy is NEVER going to talk to me again. Who would want to date the weird girl who was texting you about german spoons and random facts about the ocean? STEVE, THATS WHO. While we were dating, I made Steve watch Big Cat Diary with me.... almost every night. (For those of you who don't know, Big Cat Diary, aka BCD, is an educational nature show that follows lions, leopards and cheetahs in the Masai Mara in Kenya). Steve and I watched like 8 seasons AND WE KNOW TONS OF LION FACTS.  I'm not kidding. So, guys-- he knew, he knew.

Steve definitely has his quirks too. Like he will devour a box of cereal in 3 minutes, he talks in his sleep, and has a wicked Jean Valjean impersonation. He is also the hardest worker I know and my best friend for life.

Marriage is so sweet. Like what a great deal. We're both crazy and we get to do this whole life thing together.

So, happy two years to my bff, steve. you're wise like yoda and coach k
Steve and me during our BYU days
and I love you.